Cheerleaders:Only age matters, not weight
Fees for ALL participants:$500 This is the amount you will be charged.
~ $250 Registration Fee
~ $100 in raffle tickets that you can sell and keep the cash from. Please note that failure to sell the tickets does not entitle you to a refund. Any unsold tickets you can put your name on the stubs and submit for drawing.
~ $150 volunteer deposit, which you will receive back at the end of season after returning your child's equipment and completing volunteer time at 4 home games.
If you sell your raffle tickets and complete volunteer time you will only end up paying $250 for your child's season!Varsity Cheer:
Your registration will be $100. We also ask for you to try and sell a book of raffle tickets valued at $100. You are also welcome to participate in the little ceasers kit to help pay for your warm up costs. You may raise up to $160 towards your warm fees that are custom ordered for this team. If you cheered in varsity last year and your warm up still fits you DO NOT have to order a new warm ups.
* Please note that all fees include a $100 non-refundable deposit.